All posts by Paul Miedema

President’s Report 2025

Harrison Park Homeowners Meeting – March 1, 2025

There is a new policy in elect for HOA dues collection. All HOA dues is due on April 15. If dues is not paid by April 30, the homeowner will receive an informal correspondence reminding them that they are past due. Dues that remain unpaid on May 15 will be considered in default and the homeowner will receive a certified letter to that elect. No further notices will be sent. Any homeowner who has not paid by May 31st will incur an HOA lien on the property.

The board made the decision to not replace the trees in the entryway that were removed last fall. We continue to maintain the existing plantings and will add/subtract to those plantings as needed.

The board is reviewing the purchase of a watering measuring system that will trigger the sprinkler system to turn on/off as conditions warrant. This will reduce the chances of over or under watering depending on weather conditions.

All positions on the board are open and need to be filled at the annual meeting. This includes the two officer positions and the eight block representatives. If you have never stepped forward to assume any of these roles, please carefully consider doing so. The primary purpose of our HOA is to keep Harrison Park as a beautiful neighborhood with an attractive entryway. We ALL have a vested interest in maintaining our neighborhood and we need neighbors to step up and serve. It is not appropriate for the same core group to serve on the board year after year while others in the neighborhood play no role whatsoever. The time commitment is not great and participating on the board or in an officer role gives you a voice in HOA-related decisions and issues.

Lastly, my personal views as President. I currently serve with eight dedicated board members. I cannot do this job forever, nor can they. However, they are mostly willing to continue serving because of their dedication to the neighborhood. It is frustrating when we cannot even get a quorum at our annual meeting, much less get new people to serve on the board. I hope you read this prior to Saturday’s meeting and then attend the meeting, consider serving on the board, and show your support for Harrison Park.